Course curriculum

  • 1

    Boosting Profits with Ethical Upselling

    • Welcome

  • 2

    Module 1: Introduction to Text Marketing and Upselling

    • Introduction to Text Marketing and Upselling

    • The Significance of Text Marketing in Modern Business

    • Understanding the Potential of Upselling in Text Marketing

    • Setting the Stage for a Lucrative Text Marketing Journey

  • 3

    Module 2: Leveraging Text Marketing for Upselling

    • How Text Marketing Simplifies Upselling

    • Building Deeper Relationships with Your SMS Subscribers:

    • The Impact of Upselling on Client Lifetime Value through Text:

  • 4

    Module 3: Crafting Effective Upselling Campaigns

    • Identifying prime moments for upselling via text

    • Creating persuasive SMS upsell offers

    • Overcoming common objections and boosting conversion rates

    • The art of confidently presenting upsell offers through text

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    Module 4: Real-World Sales SMS Examples

    • The Upsell with Benefits

    • The Abandoned Cart Recovery

    • The Loyalty Reward

    • The Exclusive Preview

    • The Satisfaction Assurance

    • The Limited-Time Upgrade

  • 6

    Module 5: Upselling in Text Marketing Amid Challenges

    • Upselling in Times of Economic Uncertainty

    • Subscriber Hesitations and Objections through SMS

    • Overcoming Objections Through SMS Upselling

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    Module 6: Course Conclusion and Action Plan

    • Key Takeaways for Text Marketing Upselling

    • Crafting Your Personalized Upselling Action Plan

    • Committing to Long-Term Text Marketing Success

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    Bonus: What's Next?

    • What's Next?

    • Wrap Up